Chesterfield / Landscape paintings and fine art prints
Opening days
My name is Ben and I'm a landscape painter.
The work I produce includes oil paintings, acrylic paintings and chalk drawings of multiple sizes. Scenes inspired by the Peak District and Lake District.
Along with original art, I have greetings cards and various sizes of 'high quality inkjet' prints available. Commissions can be made via my website at
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Thanks for taking the time to read this. Here is a little bit about myself:
All the paintings I do are created in my studio at home. I got into painting at the age of 10, having been home educated with two brothers, and my mother being an artist, this meant we all learned something creative. Most of our family are very much 'outdoors people' so I'm often in Derbyshire, up in the Peak District which is home to some of our loveliest walks. Hope Valley is a particular favourite.
My work is becoming more unique as I'm learning to capture the sense of power in the landscapes that I love. It's that feeling you get when you're standing on a hill-top, exposed to the elements, realising how small you are in comparison to what lies before you.
Please take time to look at my Facebook page:
Also, be sure to check out my website at
You never know, you might find something more in there that inspires you.
I hope you have already been inspired or thought provoked by reading this to get out there and experience
it yourself.
Thanks again and enjoy browsing!
Ben Sherwin
Contact Information
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