Chesterfield, Derbyshire / Picture framer
Opening days
Saturday 27th May
Sunday 28th May
Monday 29th May
Tuesday 30th May
Wednesday 31st May
Thursday 1st June
Friday 2nd June
Saturday 3rd June
There is a preview evening on Friday 26th May
Here at The Frame Game I will do my utmost to meet you every need. From budget to conservation, it does not have to cost the earth to look a million dollars.
Will undertake commissions
Contact Information
Phone number:
Venue Information
The Frame Game
Unit 44 Works road, Hollingwood
Chesterfield, Derbyshire
S43 2PE
From Chesterfield follow the A619 towards Staveley take a left turn at the bottom of the hill onto Troughbrook Road after about half a mile we are the second large building on the right .
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