Bamford, Hope Valley / Paintings, Ceramics, Enamelled Jewellery
Opening days
In my studio at Blackberry Barn paintings are born, formed and resolved; battles are fought; ideas beceome reality; paintings suggest the next line or colour; creativity happens.
Moorlands surrounded my beginnings in Yorkshire and also now in Derbyshire; years in London at art college and then Nigeria teaching and Sheffield - teaching plus art therapy ... all these have added techniques and depth.
Awe and wonder at the power of creation and creator give underlying strength to my painting. Studying with Frank Auerbach I became aware of his emphasis on relationship to the subject and the energy given to process.
My elemental expressionist landscape painitngs seek to take you on a journey of discovery into the relationship between creation, creator and yourself, drawing you into the power and energy of the world. As an art therapist I look for an exploration of emotional depths in landscape, meditational work and abstract compositions seeking integration between composition and content.
I work in oils, acrylics, watercolour, pastels, collage ..... whatever the subject demands. Most of my work is started (and much completed) in the open air, soaking up the atmosphere and geology - I don't like to paint a landscape until I have spent a long time walking it and sketching it. As for the rest, I paint meditational work often listening to music - mainly religious, John Tavener being a favourite.
I seek to share my space by holding regular studio sessions where you can come and explore new techniques (and build up old ones) at any level you need. Basic equipment is provided and you work on your own topics at your own pace with as much or little input from me as you wish. Full details are on my website
Jenny Mather
Contact Information
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