Chesterfield / Painting
Opening days
Saturday 27th May
Sunday 28th May
Monday 29th May
Although I try to be versatile as an artist, I believe my best work to be landscapes, especially in pastel.
I am fortunate to live close to the Peak District so it is not surprising that a lifelong love of walking inspires my work. So much pre-history is present in Derbyshire, I feel the pulse of my ancestors as I walk the moors. Then I return to my easle to paint what this ancient land has shown me.
There is a saying among walkers - Take only photographs, leave only footprints. I would leave also my pictures as a lasting tribute to the place and time I inhabit.
Will undertake commissions
Contact Information
Phone number:
07729 480580
Venue Information
Studio 27 Clocktower Business Centre
S43 2PE
From Chesterfield A61 north, take A619 to Staveley. After Ringwood Hotel turn left, Troughbrook Road.
Clocktower second large building on right after Hollingwood Hub. Ample car parking to the side of the building.
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