New Mills / Carving
Opening days
Please Note. Contrary to what is stated in the brochure Steven will not be open on the 30th and 31st May. Sincere apologies for the error, Derbyshire Open Arts.
Steven Kime
Stickmaker &Carver
Having lived all my life within the locality I have always had a great affinity with the surrounding countryside. I grew up with a fascination in all aspects of nature. In particular I had a keen interest in observing birds and this now translates into my wood carvings.
As a skilled carpenter I use wood on a daily basis but I find carving birds more creative and therapeutic. Over many years I have enjoyed creating objects in natural materials, such as an early interest in wood turning, which progressed into making walking sticks incorporating wood, horn and antler handles.
Originally the walking sticks were purely functional. However, with my love of nature and using my artistic skills I have integrated carved animals and birds to become part of the handle. These decorative sticks have been entered into many countrywide exhibitions and competitions and I have been awarded the ‘best stick dresser’ in the country on a few occasions and am well revered in this field.
I have regularly received commissions, notably, one for the Duchess of Devonshire for a carved stick which currently resides at Chatsworth house on permanent display.
Always wanting to challenge my creativity I started to experiment with new ideas and began carving whole birds as detailed pieces of sculpture capturing them in natural poses. I employ unconventional carving methods by starting with green or unseasoned timber, finding this easier to work with due to it being full of sap, and I benefit from the aroma whilst carving.
I select timber which is stable such as Sycamore or Rhododendron which seldom cracks and dries out naturally when carving. It is only when eventually dry I add the final feathered detail and colour.
Many of my birds are mounted on unique pieces of reclaimed wood which I collect whilst out walking, encountering old fallen branches worn with time which suggest natural habitats for the birds to be mounted on.
The whole process of selecting and sourcing these natural materials gives me as much pleasure as carving the birds themselves.
The care and attention given to the whole process from beginning to end can be seen in every finished unique piece.
Lastly I hope the viewer and owner of my pieces gain as much pleasure from my work as I have had in creating them.
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