Hope Valley / Abstract landscapes, mixed media.
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Painting: Acrylic, Watercolor, Ink, Gesso and Gouache on Canvas.
The mainspring of my art rises literally from the earth and my relationship with edges of stone and rocks against sky, water, skin, plants, fire and yet more stone. My style has evolved over years of art teaching and is considered to be a mix of abstract and expressionistic.
I live and work in The Hope Valley, a beautiful Peak District 'saucer' of land between The White and the Dark Peaks of Derbyshire.
I want to attract the viewer into my world by presenting them with how it feels to me, being out in these wild places. I hope they will consider the grip that landscape can deliver straight through to your soul. Gritstone edges and limestone crags are fascinating to me, with their textural richness and ancient secrets, reaching way 'back to the start' of our earth.
I have made the surfaces of my painting textural to express the earthy subject matter and I have depicted linear elements to suggest a journey that always leads me 'back to the start' - the start in this case being my home and, ultimately, to whatever would have been in existence at the beginning of the earth itself.
Keywords: peak, poetic, textural, tactile, Derbyshire, colours, contrasting, district, dynamic, evocative, impact, landscape
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